Carrie Hulce, Runner Up

Today we visit with another of our runners up. Grab a glass of iced tea, pull up a chair and enjoy.
WOW: I've loved seeing how others react when they found out they had placed in the top ten. What about you. How did you react when you got the news?
CARRIE: Oh my gosh! I was so excited I ran into the kitchen and told my husband, he gave me a huge hug and praised me. Even though it was 7:00 am, I picked up the phone and began to call everyone to let them know. That made my day to receive the email, that I placed.
I have to admit, I had gotten discouraged about my writing for quite some time.
WOW: The car in your story reminded me of one I had long ago. What inspired your contest entry, The Sign?
CARRIE: My inspiration was actually multi faceted. My first inspiration came from my college days. I bought my first car, an Olsmobile Toronato. A big huge boat (Dad wanted me to be safe). I went to the bank to make my final payment on my car; it was if the car actually knew what was going on. Shortly after, I started having problems with it.
My next inspiration was my cute mother-in-law. I can’t say enough about her. She is just so fun to be with. Her name is Tina. Every time I spend time with her, I want to be around her more. She was my lead character for this story.
My final inspiration was a conversation that I had with my girlfriend; she and I were talking about what we would do if we were to take a trip some where. She came up with this crazy idea that she wanted to go to Montana someday. Blew my mind. I started to laugh. I finally asked her where she got a crazy idea like that. She laughed and said because she had never been there before.
WOW: That's a lot of inspiration for such a short word count. Do you enjoy writing Flash Fiction with the shorter word counts?
CARRIE: Yes, I have to say because I love the challenge. By nature I am the type to fill a page with words, as you have probably seen just with the first question. It makes me stop to think and help me to understand that in writing you can get a story across as long as you are descriptive enough and can make the story run smooth.
WOW: I noticed in your bio, you work in a homeless shelter. Have you ever used an incident from your volunteer work with the homeless as inspiration?
CARRIE: I am currently working on one story that did come from a woman from our shelter. Her story hit home for me. She was the mother of 3 small children, had been married to her husband for many years. Her husband and children were killed in a car accident, it was a DWI. After the funerals and everything, she found herself on the streets, she had never worked before and didn’t know what to do or where to go. She finally came here, where she was able to finally get some help. Today, she is working, has a new place to live, is even involved in a new relationship.
She looked at me one day, saw how stressed out I was, she grabbed my hand pulled me aside and said; “ What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.” She’s right. After contemplating what she had said to me. My stress level went down and I was able to focus on my day.
That evening I began to write a story about her.
WOW: Do you have a favorite genre you like to write and where do you get your ideas?
CARRIE: I am a very eclectic writer. I have come up with all sorts of stories. It can be from a dream that I have had, someone I’ve seen shopping, or even about a bird that just landed on my window sill.
WOW: I think all writers at one time or another get a bit discouraged with their writing. What one piece of advice would you give other them?
CARRIE: No matter what you do, continue to write. Even if you feel you are to busy or think you can’t come up with any ideas. They are there for you, you just have to grab them and hold on tight.
WOW: Great advice:-) What are you working on now?
CARRIE: I have to laugh. First off, I can finally admit, I am a published writer, thanks to WOW! If it weren’t for you guys, helping me when I was down. I probably would have never written again.
I am currently working on a mystery story for children, plus I am working on an adult science fiction story. I have to admit, editing is the hardest part when it comes to writing a book. I hope I can find someone interested in publishing my stories.
WOW: I have the feeling you won't have much to worry about when you are ready for that publisher:-) When not writing, do you have any favorite author you turn to?
CARRIE: I am a book worm all the way so I have a few.
For mysteries, I like to read the work of Lillian Jackson Braun. She has written a series of books that are all entitled The Cat Who……?
For romance, when I’m feeling on the mushy side, Jude Deaveraux and Johanna Linsey. They both are historical writers; you can tell they have done their research.
Finally, another great inspiration for me picking myself up and dusting myself off, a local author here that has done some small writing work shops, Natalie Goldberg. She has written a lot of poetry, but also has some great ways of helping writers look inside themselves. The first book, that I highly recommend to other writers is her book called “Writing down the Bones.”
WOW: Thanks so much for chatting with us and sharing your writing. You get the final word. Anything you'd like to add?
CARRIE: I just want to say THANK YOU! To everyone at WOW! for helping me find myself in writing and inspiring me once again. Everyone involved with Women On Writing, have been just absolutely wonderful. Words can’t always express how grateful I am for having all of you in my life!
For all of you writers out there. KEEP ON WRITING!!!! NEVER GIVE UP!!!!
Happy writing to everyone!
Labels: Carrie Hulce, Flash Fiction Contest, Runner up
I loved reading your writings. You seem like a very gratious person. Congrats and well wishes on all your future writings. *Big Smile* Jenny :)
Great interview and I love your advice to keep on writing and never give up. Good for you! You are inspiration to women writers everywhere.
Thank you so much for the encouragement. It is wonderful being able to write down something that someone else can enjoy!
Thanks for the confidence boost. Always helpful. I am glad that I can help inspire other writers. If we can all help each other who knows what may happen!
Happy Writing!
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