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WOW! Women On Writing Workshops & Classes

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Writing Consultation Service

Chelsey Clammer



DESCRIPTION: With over 150 publications in the past five years, Chelsey Clammer knows the literary journal world quite well. She is knowledgeable about paying markets, journal aesthetics, and what different literary journals are specifically looking for in a submission.

Submit up to 12 pages (4,500 words) of your previously unpublished writing for Chelsey to read, assess, provide 5 or more suggestions for where to submit the piece, and to format your document according to each journal’s guidelines. If you don’t have one long piece, you may send multiple, shorter pieces, though a maximum of 3 pieces. Return time is one week.


My submissions consultation with Chelsey has also turned to gold—one of the short stories was published in Birds That We Piled Loosely, and another one was just accepted by Flying Ketchup Press for the dream anthology, and is coming out this spring. ~ Ashley Memory

“Through the Peephole” has been accepted by Crack the Spine! Thank you so much for suggesting this online journal and for being my cheerleader for this short piece. I don’t know which issue it will be in, but I’m thrilled it will be read again—and that it will be eligible to be published in the print anthology. ~ Linda Rosen

With so many literary magazines available today in print and online I struggled with trying to find the right fit for my work. Chelsey was a godsend. She was very encouraging and helpful when it came to answering all of my questions from publication format to writing a bio. Her support was fantastic; of the eight pieces that I sent to her last February, four now have been published. I cannot thank her enough. This class is a bargain. ~ Susie Foster Hale

Hello! I got the feedback from Chelsey Clammer ... she was very, very helpful, and has made me want to jump right back in with both feet! Thanks for offering this service. I think it is well worthwhile. ~ Cheryl Fines

Just got a submission consultation with Chelsey Clammer and have to relate that this is a great value for writers. Chelsey is a pleasure to work with, responsible about deadlines, and gives a thorough assessment of where and what to submit. I can’t say yet whether my story will find a home, but she recommended a number of journals that weren't even on my lists and for which I would have spent countless hours trying to find them myself. Having someone who knows journals as well as she does—and what they seek—seems invaluable. This is a great service—thank you Chelsey! ~ Jodi Lew-Smith

Several months back, you kindly suggested about 5 outlets for me to submit my stories. One was BioStories which last summer ran a piece of mine. Another was Embodied Effigies which has just informed me they’d like to run two (!) of my stories. I really appreciate the time you took in reading all my submissions to TNB and for sending along suggestions for places where my writing could find a home. Thank you! ~ Mara Marks

[Chelsey] suggested I submit a couple of my pieces that came out of her exercises. I was so new to all this, I didn’t even know where to begin to submit. Chelsey walked me through that process, too! I thought you’d like to know that one was published online. I couldn’t have been published without Chelsey and the WOW! classroom. ~ Kate Bradley-Ferrall

Oh my gosh that was the best $20 I’ve ever spent. THANK YOU for your response, details, suggestions, journal links—all of it... I’m going to read it more closely tonight and probably just submit my little darling away in the next few days. I can’t wait to send you my next piece for feedback and recommendations. ~ Laurie Mikulasek Simpkinson

I’ve taken two of Chelsey’s classes and signed up for her submission consultation services. I’m excited to share that all three of the essays we worked on have been accepted for publication! The first class I took with Chelsey is her fantastic Not What But How: Improving Essays with a Focus on Craft, Not Content where I worked on an essay I had been struggling with. Chelsey helped find the direction I needed, and I’m happy to say that essay is upcoming in Empty Mirror. Utilizing Chelsey’s editorial skills on an essay that had received personal rejections and come close, but not close enough, to receiving an acceptance, resulted in Under the Sun saying yes and is forthcoming spring of 2020. The essay I wrote in Chelsey’s When Life Fissures: Writing About Grief in Fragments class was picked up by Mojave Heart Review just weeks after the class ended. Whether you are new to writing, or need a refresher, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for with Chelsey. Chelsey has an innate and amazing ability to see your vision, even when you can’t. With her close reading, eye for detail, helpful feedback, friendly personality, she’ll get your words singing on the page. Chelsey is the writer/editor/teacher muse you didn’t know you needed. I can’t rave enough about what I’m a big fan of Chelsey’s writing, and an equally big fan of Chelsey’s editing/teaching. ~ Cindy Bradley (Previous WOW class participant)

Sample: Click to view a sample consultation email from Chelsey Clammer.

Please note: This service is not for edits or critique of the work, rather a general assessment if it is ready for publication, recommendations for where to submit it, and to receive correctly-formatted documents for each submission.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Chelsey Clammer is the award-winning author of the essay collections, Human Heartbeat Detected (Red Hen Press, 2022), Circadian (Red Hen Press, 2017) and BodyHome (Hopewell Publications, 2015). Her work has appeared in Salon, The Rumpus, Brevity, and McSweeney’s, among many others. She teaches online writing classes with WOW! Women on Writing and is a freelance editor. Visit her website at:

COST:  $30, which includes an assessment of up to 12 pages of your writing (4,500 words), 5 or more suggestions for where to submit your piece, and manuscript formatting to each journal’s guidelines. Return time is one week.

BUY NOW: Submissions Consultation with Chelsey Clammer.

This service is temporarily closed for one month. Please check out our other offerings on the Classroom Page.

For Class Session Starting 5/1/2017


Notes:  Upon successful completion of payment, your name, email address, and contact info will be submitted to your instructor. She will e-mail you within one business day so you can get started with the consultation.

Questions? Email Marcia & Angela at:

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