Interview with Ann Imig, Runner-Up in the Spring 2009 Flash Fiction Contest

If you have not done so already, take a look at Ann's winning story "Date Night" then return here for a chat with the author!
WOW: Congratulations on placing in the Spring 2009 WOW! Flash Fiction Contest! How did you begin writing your award winning story, Date Night?
Ann: A terrible date with my husband reminded me of the humor in juxtaposition. It's supposed to be a date, but it ends up as WWIII with a waitperson trying to serve you dinner as both parties re-load and dress their wounds.
WOW: I loved this story because it seemed like such a real and honest situation. Do you find it difficult or liberating to write within the word limit restrictions of flash fiction?
Ann: I found it liberating. As a new writer, I feel more comfortable with digestible chunks. It forces me to be concise--even though you'll notice a few too many adverbs lingering in my piece. At least I didn't say unnecessarily lingering in my piece.
WOW: Ha! I'm sure we can overlook an adverb or two. Which books/authors do you read for inspiration, and how do they inspire you?
Ann: Right now I'm reading Judge by Dwight Allen. He writes literature, and it inspires me by its sheer craftsmanship.
I draw most of my inspiration from comedians. I listen to comics when I jog--so don't be surprised if you see me loping around the neighborhood laughing hysterically.
WOW: (Laughs) What a great idea to listen to comedy while you jog! How do you make or find time to write with two pre-school aged children at home?
Ann: HA! I write mostly at night after my kids are asleep, or the three mornings a week that both my kids are in school at the same time.
I used to try to multi-task--writing while the kids seemed occupied with TV or play. When TwoPointFive started pressing the hibernate button every time I was on my computer, I realized I needed to set some boundaries.
WOW: What's the most useful piece of writing advice you've ever received?
Ann: My dear friend Erin advised me to keep writing and submitting, so as not to dwell on one specific contest or submission. Best advice EVER. I keep a spreadsheet of what I've sent out, but continually put myself out there so I can't obsess over one piece. I prefer obsessing about multiple pieces at one time I guess.
WOW: To keep writing and submitting is great advice. The more you submit, the better your chances of getting published. Are you currently working on any new writing projects or stories?
Ann: Every time I have an idea, I throw it in a word doc. It always surprises me which ones end up as essays, or longer pieces, and which ones never even turn into blog posts (for
This past week I started two or three blog posts, and worked on a project I hope will be a book someday. This weekend I'm editing an essay I already submitted for an anthology, in order to enter it into another contest. Next week I plan to spend some time working on a short story I started recently.
WOW: Sounds like you're staying busy in the writing world. Good luck and we look forward to hopefully reading more of your writing in the future!
Interviewed by: Anne Greenawalt
Labels: Ann Imig, Anne Greenawalt, humor writing, Spring 2009 Flash Fiction Contest
Thanks again, Anne, Angela and all the WOW Eds.
So honored to participate.
Thanks, Ann, sharing a little of yourself. I admire anyone who manages to write with children in the house.
I reread your story - loved your descriptions of the aging process and its physical impact, esp. re: the bra size - I can relate to that!
Great story, Ann! I could relate to that superb dining experience... sounded awfully familiar!
I love the details in the story that are so universal. Suggesting a run to the store for wipes is priceless. And I too have the thinner post pregnancy body that can't be properly enjoyed due to the sagging and bulging areas...
Great interview!
Well done. Lovely story and I always appreciate insights into another writer's process - especially with kids who have outgrown naps...
You are a really great writer Ann. Glad I found you. You are inspirational!
Nicely done, fantastic story, great interview.
You alternately impress me and make me feel lazy. Great interview! (I love that you listen to comedians while you jog...what a great idea.)
I love the advice about submitting.
I tend to submit and wait. When the rejection comes, it's hard to work up the energy to submit again.
Ann, you are awesome.
And I prefer multiple obsessions as well.. :)
You rock chica!
Peace - Rene
I'm probably going to hound you over email now. Lee (of Moms Without Blogs) just reminded me yesterday that there's no harm in submitting my stuff. She implored, really. JUST DO IT, YOU JUST DO IT...there's no "Ready," she said.
So yeah, you inspire me.
I love your writing, your humor.
And I'm a former social worker too.
Just sayin'.
you better write that book, lady!
A great interview of one of my all time favorite writers!
Excellent interview! It is so good to hear how other writers balance life at home with writing. Ann's story definitely catches the post-children malaise that marriages go through, and does so in an eloquent, moving way. Great work, Ann! Thank you, Wow!, for featuring her!
But there's no mention of the alcohol or Xanax addiction.....
OK OK so this is a fiction piece....I get it, I get it....
That was a joke. You do get that, right?
When I read Braja's first comment I thought you and I used similar tools to escape, I mean write.
Looks like you do a great job without them. ;)
Wonderful story!
A great story, Ann. I look forward to being able to say, "I knew her when..."
I will be expecting an autographed copy of the book. Just sayin'
oh no! This wasn't fiction! It's my reality!!
Great piece, Ann!! As usual
Yay! Congrats Ann!! I'm so thrilled to get to know you more. Fantastic interview. Mwuah!
Terrific interview! I'm a big fan of Ann's work and I loved the piece she entered in this contest. She's a woman on the a good way! Congrats!
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