The Write Man for Her: (A Great Read) and Interview with Christie Walker Bos

Make sure to check out The Write Man For Her by Christie Walker Bos (published by Cerridwen Press ) in hard copy or e-book today.
About the Author: Christie Walker Bos is a hopeful romantic living in Big Bear Lake, California, with her soul mate Robbie Bos, who fulfilled 63 out of 65 items on her very own Man List. Having found her soul mate using a magical man list, Christie fictionalized the story and came up with her first romantic comedy, Magical Man List. In addition to writing novels, Christie has a full-time job as an editor/writer for the optical industry, is a professional photographer, and jewelry maker. She’s an activist in the areas of the environment and women’s issues, volunteering for both the Sierra Club and at a local women’s shelter. A mother of two—Erica and Brian—Christie enjoys life in the mountains, camping, music festivals and anything involving friends, family and her kids. She has had three non-fiction books published for kids on the topics of hot air ballooning, volleyball and understanding male and female roles for young adults.
MUFFIN READERS: To have a chance to win a free autographed copy of THE WRITE MAN FOR HER, leave a comment on this blog post today!
WOW: Christie, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. Why did you choose to become a romance writer?
Christie: I’ve been a writer all my life, and since I’ve just turned 54, that’s a good long time. I started in 7th grade by writing essays for various contests, and when I actually won a couple, it really sparked my interest in writing. I began writing contemporary romance back in 2000 after taking a rather unusual route to finding my soul mate. After telling the story over and over again to friends and watching them double over with laughter, I figured I had a pretty good story to tell. I turned my real life experience of making a “man list” and creating a sacred ceremony into my first fictional novel, The Magical Man List.
WOW: What a great way to get started as a writer--using your own magical man list as a basis. I think many of us would actually like to check out that list! So, besides your own life experiences, what draws you to the genre?
Christie: When I think about what movies I like the best, my favorites are always quirky romantic comedies like Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, No Reservations, and one of my favorites…Only You with Robert Downey, Jr. and Marisa Tomei. This type of story has always captured my imagination; so when it came to writing novels, I gravitated to this genre. When it comes to reading, I love the smart-ass romantic comedies, humorous murder mysteries if you can call them that. I like my characters to be witty and have that snappy come back, not slapstick falling down laughter.
WOW: Your book definitely reminds me of that movie genre. Wouldn't it be absolutely fantastic if some (or all!) of your books could be made into movies? Every writer's dream, right? With working a "real job" too, what is your writing routine like?
Christie: Since I spend the day at the computer for my “real job”—a journalist for a trade publication in the eye wear industry—when I want to be creative I need to be anywhere other than in front of a computer. So I’ve worked out this crazy way of writing my novels. I start by writing my first draft using a pen and pad of yellow paper (easier on the eyes than white). When you are writing a 90,000 plus word novel, that will give you quite the writer’s bump. Then I put on my typist hat and type each chapter (usually as I complete each one) into the computer. Then I print out a hard copy and let it cool off like a cake. When I return to the hard copy, I find a comfortable chair and a red pen. Wearing my editor hat, I mark up the copy with corrections, additions and deletions. Back to the computer once more, I enter all the corrections and make another print out. This copy goes to three trusted readers who then mark up the manuscript again. Back to the computer once more to input corrections and make more changes. After all of this, I finally have a manuscript I can send to my editor at Cerridwen Press. If she accepts the manuscript for publication—and I’ve had three accepted and published through Cerridwen so far—then she will mark up my manuscript one more time. More corrections, more re-writes and then finally, it is done; and I have a glass, no, a bottle of wine to celebrate! The celebration is short-lived though, since by then, I’m already working on the next novel.
WOW: Obviously that system works for you, and it sounds like you have been very successful with it so far! Plus, every writer needs to celebrate with a good bottle of wine. What are some of the benefits to having your books in e-book format?
Christie: One benefit to me as an author is my novels see the light of day much faster than if they went through a print publisher, which has an extremely long wait time from the signing of the contract to the book being on the shelf. Another thing I like is my novels reach a whole new market and group of people on-line. Cerridwen actually publishes my novels twice—first as an e-book and then as a print trade paperback. This allows my novels to reach two different markets. I must say, most of the people who read my novels prefer to wait for the print version, stating that they like cuddling up with “a good book.” Of the three novels currently published by Cerridwen Press, three are available as e-books and one, The Write Man for Her, is now available in print. Another benefit of an e-book over a print book is the price. The Write Man for Her in print is $9.99 while it only costs $6.99 as an e-book.
WOW: It's really nice that your company publishes all your novels in e-book and as a hard copy! That's a great idea and nice for you to appeal to all types of readers. So, let me ask you, what makes contemporary romance different than other romance genres?
Christie: I believe contemporary novels are more grounded in reality. There are no witches, shape shifters, space ships, or knights in shining armor, not that I have anything against those types of romances, but in a contemporary romance you are dealing with the here and now. When I’m writing a contemporary novel, I am mindful of what is going on in the world right now and keep the dialogue and situations very real. I do a lot of research on the location, so I can shape my characters based not only on when they live but where they live as well. I treat the location as a silent character that shapes and impacts the novel in subtle ways.
WOW: You bring up a very interesting point about the setting of your book. Since I have read one of your books, I can definitely see how setting is almost like another character for you. Your story could not happen just anywhere. In your book, The Write Man For Her, your main character, Jessica, is attracted to her creative writing professor. How much of you is in this book since you are a successful author?
Christie: Sometimes it’s hard to separate reality from fiction. I would say there is a part of me in every one of my characters, even my heroes. I’ve had friends and family read my novels and comment that a particular line was “so you.” But they also recognize themselves in certain characters as well. I borrow liberally from everyone I meet—personalities, mannerisms, ways of speaking, quirks, and even funny phases—no one is safe. I saw this wonderful t-shirt that said, “Beware, you could end up in my next novel.” That is so true.
WOW: I've seen that t-shirt before, too, and I thought I should get one of those. I'm always using my friends' names in my creative work. So, not only do you have the hero and heroine in your book, you've also got the antagonist. Simon! UGH! He's such a jerk. Is it easier for you to write about the villain or the hero in your books?
Christie: I must admit, I love a good bad guy. You meet so many jerks in life that it’s easy to come up with plenty of examples of what you don’t want in a man. I find it far more difficult to come up with a realistic hero…someone who is basically good but not a saint. I married one of those heroes, but he was one out of the 50 jerks I dated before I found him. So I find there is plenty of “material” out there to create believable male villains and not as many examples of wonderful men. I have to be more creative in that department and rely on wishful thinking.
WOW: Another great point, which I think all women can relate to who are reading this blog post. We've all met the jerks, and I think many of them creep into our creative writing--EASILY! Every leading lady needs a sidekick, and in this book, it is the delightful best friend, Cath, and Jessica's bird, Merlin! What made you give Jessica a bird as a pet?
Christie: My kids had birds for pets when they were young. We had finches and a parakeet but our favorite was a cockatiel that we hand raised. Of all the characters in the book, Merlin the bird is the only one who is portrayed exactly feather for feather. No worries there about being sued or anything. All the other characters are composites of people, personalities, and my overactive imagination.
WOW: I'm glad to hear that Merlin is based on a real bird. I loved him in the book! So, then how much fun did you have writing about Cath?
Christie: Cath is that kind of person who says what other people only think. She’s always out there, in your face, making you do the very thing she’s afraid to do herself. Cath is my inner voice before my conscious mind takes over and makes me say and do the right thing. I liked her so much that I wrote a short story starring Cath. "Stakeout for Love" is a new FREE read available from Cerridwen Press, starring the aforementioned Cath. The idea of the free read is to give readers a taste of an author’s style with the hope being that they will like what they read and go onto buy one of the author’s other novels. "Stakeout for Love" debuted on March 23rd. Hopefully your readers will check it out along with my other novels at .
WOW: Christie, thank you so much for taking the time to share so much wonderful information with The Muffin today. We'll definitely have to check out your short story, "Stakeout for Love." And I hope all readers will take my advice and read The Write Man For Her. You won't be disappointed!
Happy reading!
Margo Dill
Labels: book giveaway contest, Christie Walker Bos, Christie Walker interview, The Write Man for Her
Thanks for the great post! Reading about Christie's writing and revising process sounds a lot like mine, so it encourages me to keep pushing with my first book that I am writing. I enjoyed reading about how she develops her characters, too! Great ideas and information! Thank you!
When I read the list of characters, I had to comment. Then I read a little further and thought, Whoa! That really IS me...and not even cleverly disguised! :-)
Just Christie, I often have a character in a story that plays the role of saying what I wish I could say, if only I had the gumption! Sounds like a fun (and funny!) read. Perfect entertainment (in my book).
I found it interesting you write the first copy by hand. Does it afford more quiet, private time that way, allowing you the opportunity to concentrate on your writing?
I have the same issue as you do with writing - I write all day for my "real" job, and the last thing I want to do when I get home from work is look at a computer screen. I like to try to write by hand as well, but I feel that I've become so accustomed to the speed of typing, I lose my train of thought much easier! Do you ever feel that way? Like your hand just can't keep up with your brain?
I like the idea of writing a draft by hand first. I do this when I blog, too. I keep a notebook, so maybe this is the way to go for me. For some reason, the computer screen is not very inspiring! :)
Hi LuAnn...
I'm currently in New York on business, so I apologize for not getting back to you right away. To answer your question on why I write my first draft by hand...there are several reasons. First I actually love the feeling of putting pen to paper. Second, my real job--as a journalist--keeps me in front of a computer most of the day. When I'm ready to be creative, I don't want anything to do with my computer. I view the computer as a tool, a glorified typewriter with benefits. I do use the computer to "type" the manuscript thereby giving me a chance to correct spelling and rewrite. Also, I find it much easier to whip out my yellow pad and pen, anytime, anywhere.
Hope that answers your question.
Hi Julie:
Yes, sometimes I do feel like my hand can't keep up with my brain, but then again, neither can my typing. I didn't learn to type until I was twenty-five. My mom used to type all my papers for me. Isn't that terrible? Once I bought a computer, my typing improved, but seriously, I can probably write almost as fast.
Here's what I do... for each chapter I make a list of goals I want to accomplish in that chapter. If I thought of a brilliant line I want someone to say I write that down as well. This takes the pressure off to write quickly before I forget where I'm going or what I want to say.
Hi Kerrie:
Couldn't agree more. The blank computer screen can be way more intimidating than the blank piece of paper. Plus when you mess something up on paper, it's so much more satisfying to crumble the thing up and toss it in the trash.
Thank you ladies for your comments! We randomly picked a winner for the book giveaway, and it's...Kerrie!
Please email Margo: with your mailing address.
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