Monday, May 26, 2008


How Do You Handle Adversity?

 Do you sometimes feel that the more you try to accomplish, the more obstacles seem to pop up in your life, derailing your carefully laid plans? 

One day, everything seems to be going well when…Bam!  Life hits you with all the force of a category five hurricane.

And unfortunately, when these storms come, they fail to tell us why they plague us, let alone what we need to do to overcome them.

What do you do in the face of adversity? 

Does it crush you?  Send you hurtling down an endless path of self-pity and despair?  Does it paralyze you?  Do criticism and rejection leave you afraid to reach for your dreams?

Or do you allow the experience to propel you to higher heights? 

Remember, in order for use to grow as writers and as human beings, the rain must fall.  See adversity as an opportunity to wash away old, ineffective habits, to refresh your goals, and to nurture your spirit.

We grow not by the virtue of our successes in life, but by how well we weather life’s storms.

It is not what happens to us that really matters.  Rather it is what we do in response to the challenges in our lives that defines us.

Are you facing an obstacle along your path to success?

If so, good for you!  Embrace this challenge as an opportunity to grow and stretch your abilities as writer and a person. 

See this adversity in your life for what it really is – opportunity masquerading as calamity, waiting to stretch you to new heights.


Blogger Miss Attitude said...

Great post! I think it's very true. You need to embrace it as a challenge. But it's also difficult to do sometimes when despite facing it head on with a positive attitude still lands you nowhere. It's patience that I'm working on now. Things don't right themselves overnight and we know that in our brains. But that doesn't quiet the anxiety inside.

12:44 PM  
Blogger #1 GAL, Dr. Ty! said...

After a string of bad luck immediately following a fabulous girls trip that brought me out of a funk -- my husband reminded me that anyone can be happy on vacation, but to be happy in adversity is the challenge.

Your post reminds me of that.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Angela said...


What a beautiful post. I'm so glad a new comment came in so I could catch up after the craziness of conferences etc. and read this. I'm sure so many ladies out there feel the same way, and you put it just so, and poetically.

I especially loved this paragraph: "Remember, in order for use to grow as writers and as human beings, the rain must fall. See adversity as an opportunity to wash away old, ineffective habits, to refresh your goals, and to nurture your spirit."

You are right, Kesha, the rain must fall, in order to wash away and gain perspective.

That's one thing I admire so much about your writing...your honesty and expression. I hope you know that you can lean on me for support in every and anything you are going through. Your words capture my heart.



10:43 PM  

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