WOW! Women On Writing Workshops & Classes
invest in yourself, write now
Featured Online Writing and Photography Class
Imagery Power: Photography for Writers by Melanie Faith
START DATE: Monday, July 3, 2023
END DATE: Monday, July 31, 2023
DURATION: 4 weeks
LOCATION: Private Facebook group and email
FEEDBACK: Instructor feedback and critique on all assignments
COURSE DESCRIPTION: “Fiction, like dreams, exists in images... Fiction must exist in images, not abstractions,” wrote John Dufresne. Indeed, the ability to develop imagery is important in all forms of writing, from poetry to essays and all sorts of descriptive writing. The art of photography, an evocative visual art, frequently helps authors hone our image-seeking and development skills. There won’t be technical jargon of F-stops or aperture priority in this course and you are free to use any form of camera you already own and love—from camera phone to digital, DSLR to Lomo, instamatic, you name it; this class is about cracking open the everyday extraordinary, about the kind of seeing and focusing on detail that will enhance your writing and spark ideas for months to come.
In this four-week workshop, we’ll take a daily photo-taking prompt for a spin, post our response, and describe what inspired each photo at our class group. During the second week, you will begin a piece based on one of the photos you’ve taken that you will share (in part as an excerpt or in full, up to you) with the class during our fourth week. Handouts on topics covered will include: Truthiness: Adding Layers to Your Art with Art; The Genesis and Development of Imagery: Example Sheet of Published Work; Submitting Your Work to Literary Magazines & Other Venues Looking for Photos: Cover Letter Tips; Photographic Resources to Check Out!; Tips for Writing about [Our] Art; How to Match Your Photographic Style to your Writing Style; Ekphrasis and You: Writing in Tandem with the Visual Arts; and Tips for Writing Fabulous Writer/Artist Bios. There will be a private group for students to discuss our creative process and share daily responses to each prompt and for sharing of literary resources, such as markets and quotations about the image-making process.
I decided to try Melanie Faith’s WOW! poetry class because writing and creating in different genres helps my writing. I am so glad I did! Melanie is upbeat, inspiring, supportive, professional and an incredible instructor and writer. Now I see poetry as always being a part of my life. I don’t know how she does it with all the demands on her professional and writing life, but Melanie makes you feel like you are her only student. Her comments are always on point and she strikes the right balance of teacher and colleague. Months after the class has ended she continues to answer questions and cheer on us budding poets. She has an amazing and giving spirit. I will take another writing class from Melanie, no matter what the subject. She has so much to offer on so many different levels! ~ Kate Bradley-Ferrall
Melanie has always shown great insight into my work. Often times, she is able to pull out deeper meanings, that even I wasn't consciously aware of while writing. Her constructive criticism has moved my writing into new directions. I find that I feel more confident and prepared as a writer by having her constant editing eye. I respect that she critiques my poetry honestly, letting me know areas that are weak as well as strong points. I wouldn't be able to grow as a writer if she always told me my poems were great. It's from her perspective of my work that I grow. I enjoy learning through her and appreciate her sharing tricks of the trade that she learned in her masters program. I'm thankful to know Melanie and hope we remain friends and a poetry support system for the rest of our lives. She's the type of person and writer that anyone would feel lucky to know. She is a great mentor and holds a wealth of knowledge in the written language. Her achievements and constant pursuit as a writer inspire so many. Her determination and skill will go very far and I suspect she'll leave a lasting imprint in the written world. She already has. ~ Courtney Burger
Melanie has been a total joy as a teacher and guide. I found her feedback, critiques, and comments to be extraordinarily helpful and insightful. And the daily prompts and positive reinforcement made this writing class a wonderful experience! ~ Mary Purdy
Melanie’s class taught me economy of words by using strong verbs and nouns, implying and showing rather than telling, and exploring topics outside of my comfort zone. Her feedback is prompt, detailed and constructive. ~ Rajni Gupta
Melanie knows how to offer on-the-mark suggestions for writing improvement while also being extremely encouraging (and a joy to work with). I've taken many classes with her, including the flash class, and I plan on taking many more. ~ Marilyn Fahey
The course was great. I did not want it to end. I have taken several college level creative writing courses, as well as, attended many writer’s workshops, but I have enjoyed this course the most. I really appreciated that Melanie would also critique our re-writes which was very, very helpful. This course has really helped to motivate me creatively. ~ Barb Cramer
Week One: Recognizing Your Subject, The Punch Line: Finding Photographic Resonance, Jolie Laide: Photographing the Unconventionally Beautiful, Tropey-Dokey: Enhancing Imagery with Tropes, True North: On Mute-Buttoning the Inner Critic, Going Incognito: Street Photography and You, The Extraordinary Ordinary: Finding Your Subject Just Around the Corner, Imagery Inventory
Photography for Writers Reading Assignment: Read all of Section One: Inspiration Station—Sparking Ideas and Chugging Forward!
Assignment: You will receive a daily prompt. Post at least three of your photos this week, writing a paragraph about the genesis and inspiration for your photo, which may include but is not limited to where, when, and why you took this photo along with any details of how it matches the day’s prompt.
Week Two: Ah...Sweet Silence! Crafting in the Calm, Meet ROY G BIV, Beware the Giant Claw: The Tricky Matter of Hands, Fast and Fleeting: Capturing the Gone-in-a-Flash Subject, and Dishing up the Delish: Food Photography Tips, Parts One and Two
Photography for Writers Reading Assignment: Read from Section Two: Practical Craft Tips and Topics—the Intersection of Writing and Photography, the first 8 chapters, from “The One with the Science Fair in it” to “#bwphotochallenge: Put on your Monochrome Goggles.”
Assignment: You will receive a daily prompt. Post at least three of your photos this week, writing a paragraph about the genesis and inspiration for your photo, which may include but is not limited to where, when, and why you took this photo along with any details of how it matches the day’s prompt.
In addition, begin a piece based on one of your daily-prompt photos (any genre).
Week Three: Fascinators and Carriages: Documenting Special Occasions, The Nest: Working with Littles, Cuties, and other Unpredictable Subjects, Popping the Bubble: Keeping in Mind Your Subject's Needs, Photographing Particulars of Place: Tips for Landscape and Travel Photography, Analog-TAstic!, Save Everything: to Delete in Camera or Not to Delete, That is the Question, Writing about Our Art, Top Ten Guidelines for Creating a Sensational Photo Series
Photography for Writers Reading Assignment: Read from Section Two: Practical Craft Tips and Topics—the Intersection of Writing and Photography, all of the second half of the section, from “Fascinators and Carriages: Documenting Special Occasions” to “Top Ten Guidelines for Creating a Sensational Photo Series.”
Assignment: You will receive a daily prompt. Post at least three of your photos this week, writing a paragraph about the genesis and inspiration for your photo, which may include but is not limited to where, when, and why you took this photo along with any details of how it matches the day’s prompt.
In addition: Work more on your piece based on one of your photo prompts (any genre).
Week Four: On Saving a Nurturing Space for Yourself, To the Benevolent Stranger who Bought My First Art Print, Tips for Selective Sharing, Napoleon's Toothbrush & Other ARTifacts: On Selling Your Work, Art, Publication, and the M-Word Self-Assessment, Tips for Writing Fabulous Writer/Artist Bios, Submitting Your Work to Literary Magazines & Other Venues Looking for Photos: Cover Letter Tips, Image-Making Resources to Check out!
Photography for Writers Reading Assignment: Read Section Three: Getting Your Art out There.
Assignment: You will receive a daily prompt. Post at least three of your photos this week, writing a paragraph about the genesis and inspiration for your photo, which may include but is not limited to where, when, and why you took this photo along with any details of how it matches the day’s prompt.
Post an excerpt from or the whole piece you’ve written based on your posted photo for the class to enjoy. :)
Materials needed: A camera—any kind or style, from camera phone to digital to Instamatic—an internet connection, and creativity to develop your image-developing skill! Photography for Writers (Vine Leaves Press, November 2019). Print and ebook copies are available at Amazon. Signed copies available through the author’s Etsy page at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WritePathProductions.
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Melanie Faith holds an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte, NC. Her writing has been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize. Her full-length, historical poetry collection set in the 1918 flu epidemic, This Passing Fever, was published by Future Cycle Press. She’s also published a Regency novella (Uncial Press). Vine Leaves Press has published six of her writing craft books about such diverse topics as flash fiction, poetry, photography, teaching online, and writing a research book. In addition to numerous photography publications, her instructional articles about creative writing techniques have appeared in The Writer and Writers' Journal, among others. To learn more about Melanie’s writing, teaching, and photography, please visit: www.melaniedfaith.com, Twitter: @writer_faith, and Instagram: @writepath99.
COST: $185, which includes daily prompts and access to a private group for student interactions.
BUY NOW: Imagery Power: Photography for Writers by Melanie Faith (4 weeks, starting 7/3/2023) Limit: 10 students. Early registration is recommended.
This class is now closed. Please check here for our current schedule.
Notes: Upon successful completion of payment, your name, email address, and contact info will be submitted to your instructor. She will contact you via email so you can get started.
Additional Testimonials for Melanie Faith:
I took the nature writing class a few weeks ago and it was one of the best courses I've even taken. Melanie Faith is an excellent instructor. ~ Jean Forsythe
Your course has jump-started me back into writing. I have missed it. Thank you. ~ Melissa Healy
Melanie Faith’s “Spark and Sizzle Flash Fiction Class” lives up to its title. The sample stories provided were examples of good writing and served as models. Melanie’s prompts came at a rapid pace and kept my pen on the page every day. Her critique comments were sharp and encouraging and challenged me to be the best writer I could be. She is easily available for questions or discussions during and after her classes via her personal email. This is the third class I’ve taken with Melanie and I am looking forward to taking many more in the future. ~ Renee Cassese
Melanie knows how to offer on-the-mark suggestions for writing improvement while also being extremely encouraging (and a joy to work with). I've taken many classes with her, including the flash class, and I plan on taking many more. ~ Marilyn Fahey
Melanie has always shown great insight into my work. Often times, she is able to pull out deeper meanings, that even I wasn't consciously aware of while writing. Her constructive criticism has moved my writing into new directions. I find that I feel more confident and prepared as a writer by having her constant editing eye. I respect that she critiques my poetry honestly, letting me know areas that are weak as well as strong points. I wouldn't be able to grow as a writer if she always told me my poems were great. It's from her perspective of my work that I grow. I enjoy learning through her and appreciate her sharing tricks of the trade that she learned in her masters program.
I'm thankful to know Melanie and hope we remain friends and a poetry support system for the rest of our lives. She's the type of person and writer that anyone would feel lucky to know. She is a great mentor and holds a wealth of knowledge in the written language. Her achievements and constant pursuit as a writer inspire so many. Her determination and skill will go very far and I suspect she'll leave a lasting imprint in the written world. She already has. ~ Courtney Burger
The course was great. I did not want it to end. I have taken several college level creative writing courses, as well as, attended many writer’s workshops, but I have enjoyed this course the most. I really appreciated that Melanie would also critique our re-writes which was very, very helpful. This course has really helped to motivate me creatively. ~ Barb Cramer
Melanie demonstrates particular qualities in a writing teacher/coach that I would recommend for anyone looking for focused attention to help move their writing forward.
I had not taken an on-line course previously, and didn't know what to expect, but Melanie melted the distance, was always accessible, and never missed a beat with out on-line communication. I always felt like I had Melanie right here around my writing table, or knocking on my door saying—“I had a few thoughts..." She provided a wealth of resources and provided us with course materials that were tuned to our course level.
Her insight into my work, in terms of critique, were extremely thoughtful, thorough, and eye-opening. I feel that working with Melanie has allowed me to be braver with my writing and editing—as she was supportive of experimentation and taking chances with style, vocabulary, and theme. She provides serious critique in an atmosphere that, well, just makes me want to keep on writing!” ~ Mary Ellen Sanger
I have taken three courses from Melanie and in each course I grow tremendously as a writer. The texts she uses as well as the handouts and daily writing prompts all contribute to what she refers to as “the writing life” and in her courses that’s exactly what it becomes. Her comments on the pieces go way beyond grammar and punctuation. She delves into the content and clarifies what is good and what can be adjusted to make the piece stronger. I can tell she spends time reading what I write and is prompt in returning the assignments so I always have plenty of time for revision. She treats me, and everyone in the class, like a writer. Her classes are a joy. If there is a course offered by Melanie and I can fit it in, I always take it. ~ Holly Helscher
I have the normal anxiousness of sharing my work while so excited to have Melanie Faith’s critical eye read my writing. It is always reviewed with an eye to improvement and an eye to the thoughts the words contain. This is the first computer class I have ever taken and want to take many more. I also look forward to many more classes with Melanie Faith. ~ Benita Cervantes
Because I love memoir writing, I have taken two memoir/personal essay classes from Melanie. I can’t believe this, but because I enjoy the teacher herself and her method of teaching so much, I’ve even taken a poetry-writing class. I’ve always steered away from writing poetry of any kind ever since I wrote a poem in college (an assignment, not a by-choice piece) and the class laughed because I wrote about a controversial topic and was so naïve that I didn’t even know it was controversial. Every time I’d mention to Melanie that I’d never write a poem, she’d encourage me to take her class, assuring me that I’d be successful. I took the class, and sure enough, I was successful, thanks to Melanie’s velvet critiquing, encouraging comments, and thoughtful suggestions, many times seeing in my writing what I couldn’t see for myself.
I have to rein myself in every time I see in the WOW classes list that Melanie is teaching another essay class. And why is this? In all of my education (B.A. in English and M.A. in English), I never took a writing class. When I was in college, writing was taught only in Freshman English; after that class, we were just expected to know how to write. I learned to teach writing myself by reading books about writing. How refreshing and educational to find a teacher/mentor who exhibits the characteristics that I know an excellent writing teacher has: the creativity to come up with topics that students want to write about, the ability to critique without finding fault, the desire to encourage students to keep on writing even when the juices aren’t flowing. Believe me . . . she’s an excellent teacher. In addition, she became my friend through being my teacher. To be a friend AND a teacher takes real talent. ~ Sandy Young
Questions? Email Marcia & Angela at: classroom[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com