ONLINE CLIPS FOR FREELANCE WRITERS: Websites vs. Portfolios with Bernadette Geyer
ONGOING: Starts Upon Ordering (within 24 hours)
DURATION: One 30-minute video class, plus one 30-minute Zoom/Skype call
LOCATION: Password-protected Video
FEEDBACK: Instructor Feedback given on Zoom/Skype call
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Published writers should always have a selection of clips easily accessible to provide to potential publishers and editors. With the wealth of online media outlets to publish on, it’s likely that you have a list (somewhere?) of articles you’ve published and links to their online versions. But is that list accessible somewhere for publishers so they can scan through the list themselves and not be limited to the few examples you provided to them in your pitch cover letter?!
By looking at case studies of writers who use either websites or online portfolio platforms (or both), participants will have a clear understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of both options. They will also see that it’s actually quite simple to set up an easily-accessible space to showcase examples of their writing. The workshop will also cover how to make your online portfolio cohesive with your social media profiles via simple branding tactics.
Participants will receive a link to a password-protected video. After the participant watches the video, they can set up a Zoom/Skype call, where they can ask questions and receive feedback from the instructor regarding the online clips resource they’ve set up.
I’ve taken Bernadette’s workshop twice and I’m waiting in the wings for the next one. There is no pressure, just information and inspiration. ~ Catherine H.
Bernadette was a wonderful and inspiring teacher; even on the internet she really connected with and brought together a vibrant writing community—not the case with all online writing workshops... ~ Laurie S.
This workshop (Writing About Place) helped me revise a novel. Bernadette provides strong, clear, timely feedback. I would love to take another four weeks with this same group! ~ Eileen G.
I found your workshop [The Art of Revision] so helpful and inspiring and continue to use the techniques. I loved the camaraderie we all had, and the comments from everyone were encouraging and insightful. ~ Judy C.
The Art of Revision was the perfect jump start to re-vision past poems. Bernadette fostered such a positive learning community that I continue to meet regularly with my classmates in a writer’s group. ~ Katherine R.
I just wanted to let you know that your [Book Style Guide] class was terrific. It reminded me of things I’d forgotten and taught me things I wasn’t aware of. ~ Marilyn Bostick
Topic 1 – Why are clips necessary?
There are many reasons a freelance writer and author may need to provide work samples to someone. The first part of the video covers why it’s important to have a collection of clips available somewhere online.
Topic 2 – Websites
What are the pros and cons of having a list of online clips on your website, or of setting up a website/blog page just for clips? The video looks at examples of writers with a website page that lists examples of their past writing and discusses benefits and drawbacks to this approach.
Topic 3 – Online Portfolio Platforms
The video will go over the various options that exist for platforms that host an online portfolio of clips for you, as well as how this type of platform could potentially be used in conjunction with your website and/or social media profiles.
Topic 4 – Branding: Linking Your Clips to Your Other Online Presences
As a freelancer, it’s also important to think about branding. Within the case studies presented in the video, freelancers can see a range of ways they can tie their clips together with their online presences using visual and textual “branding” cues.
Materials needed: A computer, laptop, or smartphone with an internet connection for watching the video.
Within 24 hours of purchase, students will receive an initial introductory email that includes a link and the password to access the video.
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Bernadette Geyer has more than 15 years of experience as a professional editor, copy editing dozens of books for publishers and authors, from fiction and nonfiction to poetry and anthologies. She has served in the past on the editorial boards of an independent press and a literary journal. She has served in the past on the editorial boards of an independent press and a literary journal. Geyer is also a freelance writer, with publications including The Writer, Oxford American, Paste Magazine, AFAR Magazine, and culture: the word on cheese. Geyer lives in Berlin, Germany, where she works as a writer, editor, and translator. Her website can be found at
COST: $40, which includes access to the 30-minute video, along with a 30-minute one-on-one Zoom/Skype call with the instructor for Q&A and individual feedback.
BUY NOW: Online Clips for Freelance Writers: Websites vs. Portfolios with Bernadette Geyer (One 30-minute online video, plus a 30-minute follow-up Zoom/Skype call, starts within 24 hours of ordering)
This class is now closed. Please check here for our current schedule.
For Class Session Starting 4/24/2017
Notes: Upon successful completion of payment, your name, email address, and contact info will be submitted to your instructor. Just before class begins, she will e-mail you with instructions on how to get started.
Questions? Email Marcia & Angela at:
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