Thursday, August 27, 2009


The Muffin Receives Kreativ Blogger Award!

The Muffin was nominated twice for the Kreativ Blogger Award. We first received the award from Joyce Mason of Hot Flashbacks, Cool Insights, who had this to say about us: "Another grand women’s cooperative blog (who bakes muffins one at time?) that boasts never being stale. From the bakers of WOW—Women on Writing—this place is breakfast for writers and three squares a day in inspiration. Since all bloggers are writers, if you blog, take break. Have a muffin." Aw...thank you Joyce! Your blog is a favorite of ours too!

Then, on Wednesday, C. Hope Clark ( nominated us for the Kreativ award as well! And this time the award is wearing a new outfit. The rules state to nominate 7 other blogs and, when I asked some of our ladies to choose their favorite blog, it wasn't too surprising that Hope's blog came up on the list...twice. I said, "You can't nominate her blog, she nominated us!"

Honestly, there are so many wonderful blogs out there it's hard to just choose seven, but we managed somehow. If you've been nominated in this post and want to pay it forward (optional, of course), here are the guidelines:

- Thank the person who gave you the award
- Place the logo on your blog
- Link to the person who nominated you
- Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
- Nominate 7 bloggers for this award and post links to their blogs
- Send a message to let them know they've been nominated

Things About Some of Our Bloggers You May Find Interesting:

LuAnn: "I've won awards in several cooking contests, and once, in a couple of them, I hadn't even tried the recipe before I submitted it! I just knew it would work."

Margo Dill has seen the musical Wicked three times (but would have seen it plenty more if she wasn't on restriction from her husband), has an Elvis Presley purse after a 6-hour trip to Graceland, and loves dogs almost as much as she loves people.

Elizabeth: "One thing people might find interesting about me is that I lived in Prague for four years in the early 1990s."

Chynna: "I make my own wine and beer!"

Carrie: "If I'm not writing I can be found with a paint brush in my hands, paints laying all about, and the tip of my tongue sticking out as I create."

Angela is a "biker babe" and rides a Moto Guzzi V500 dressed in full leather when she's not writing. She has leather gloves that say "love" on the knuckles of one hand and "hate" on the other and doesn't know exactly what that means but is cheezy enough to think it's cool. On her next visit to Canada she hopes to steal Chynna's secret recipes for making beer and wine!


7 Blogs Our Bloggers Chose to Nominate:

1. Teaching Authors -

2. The Change Blog -

3. Raising Socially Anxious Children -

4. Writing Thoughts -

5. Mom Central Blogger University -

6. WordHustlerInk Blog -

7. Whole Latte Life -


Boy, that was tough! There are so many great blogs out there. I'm glad our ladies chimed in with their faves. If your blog was nominated, congratulations! Spread your creativity and the love. ;)

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