Thursday, September 03, 2009


Improve Your Home Office Week

By Jill Earl

I found out on that September 8-12, has been designated ‘Improve Your Home Office Week’. I just happen to be in the middle of a major purge of my palace right now so I can get my own home office set up, so the timing couldn’t be more---uh, timely.

Having an organized place to work on one’s assignments and projects makes for a more effective writer. Excavating through mounds of paperwork wastes time and energy. The last thing you need is for a part of your project to turn up missing because you can’t find anything in the piles.
Especially if there’s a deadline looming. Clear desk, clear mind.

So this reformed packrat is kicking the clutter to the curb and perusing magazines and sites for ideas to improve her future home office. I already have a nice computer cabinet ready to be assembled, perfect for my laptop. Back issues of writing magazines and journals have found their way to new files. I’m eager to see the results of this ‘room of my own’.

Although I didn’t find more about this observance, I did come across an amusing post by Tara Landry on the blog. Included are tips to help your own workspace along.

Well, that’s what the upcoming week looks like for me.

Care to share any home office improvement tips you may have?

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